Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Black and White

Most of my obsessions in photography were capturing good images in a very low light environment. Last night, I tried to experiment my cam in my room with lights off and the only light available was the one coming from my tablet. 

I wasn't so sure about the result of my experiment until I transferred the pictures on my computer. There I saw how bad the pictures were but I found few of them with good angles (at least for me hahaha) that can be helped out with a little bit of edit.

I tried to wipe my oily face but I was never sure if they were all gone until I saw my pictures. Although I tried to hide the shiny oily face through editing, it is still noticeable but at least it is now minimized.

I tried to shot as many as I could but these few good angled shots captured the angry/serious look of mine with that forehead wrinkled in the middle of the eyebrows. 

It is difficult for me to find subjects/models for my practice 101. And as a result, I turned out to be my own model and the things in the house and to wherever I go become my subject.haha

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