Sunday, May 13, 2007

Gen. Santos City: Dolores Tropicana Beach Resort

First time after college graduation I thought of gathering our classmates and friends. Thinking of having them all in one occasion, one venue and one schedule was very easy. As the planning went on, I realized how difficult it was finding common free time for all. But of course I was this very eager (and excited at the same time) in making this event to happen.  And at last it happened. It was May 13, 2007, Sunday. Not everyone was able to come but at least everyone who showed up enjoyed the rest of the night.

The following day, we woke up very early and some did swimming, others just kept on chatting and I took some pictures for documentation. It was May 14, 2007 and it was an election day! Some went home to vote. I went home to sleep. :D

Here are some pictures I took during that overnight event.

These were not all the attendees. As always, some were late. :D

 Sunrise May 14, 2007

 Long lost SURVIVORS. :D

It's the sun.

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