Saturday, October 10, 2009

Koronadal City: Von's Spicy Squid and Chicken with Vegies Pasta

It's Saturday and just a few days before this, I experimented Seafood and Mushroom Pasta. At this very moment, I was very inspired to do something with pasta again but with different toppings. Gonna cook Spicy Squid and Chicken with Vegies Pasta!!!

I opened the fridge and saw chicken, squid, breading mix, vegetables such as broccoli and asparagus. I don't know what to do at first but later on I thought of mixing the meats with breading and spices and fry them. Sauteed other ingredients together with the vegetables in olive oil and mixed the squid and chicken. Mixed and tasted them until I satisfied my self with the taste that I wanted. A bit hot/spicy and the liquid from it served as the pasta's sauce with full of flavors.

Compared to the Seafood and Mushroom Pasta, I think I would go for both. They were really deliciouso!!! I bet someone is mouth watering right now. I am not saying that it is you who are reading but me. But if you are, :p !!!!

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