Saturday, December 13, 2008

Gen. Santos City: Sarangani Highlands Garden & Restaurant

A year after my first visit here in Sarangani Highlands Garden and Restaurant, I was able to step in again. The road going there is the same dusty and rough but upon reaching the Highlands, it can be noticed a lot has changed. 

They already have this nice veranda where many coffee drinkers would like to sit every sunrise and sunset. Some wedding receptions were held in this site. From here, during daytime you can clearly see the Sarangani Bay and at night, especially with the presence of the moon, an amazing reflection of it on the bay can be viewed.

I was glad seeing this tree again. It is still alive and a lot of visitors liked to be there for pictorials. It is also nice to rest, reflect and/or meditate in here savoring the nice wind from the bay.

Seeing the bay from here makes one relaxed. You can see ships and boats sailing in the bay.

This one is new. There was nothing like this when I first visited this location. It was also said that this garden and restaurant is having its ongoing development like putting up other venues for big events and accommodations for others who would like to stay overnight.