Saturday, December 13, 2008

Gen. Santos City: Sarangani Highlands Garden & Restaurant

A year after my first visit here in Sarangani Highlands Garden and Restaurant, I was able to step in again. The road going there is the same dusty and rough but upon reaching the Highlands, it can be noticed a lot has changed. 

They already have this nice veranda where many coffee drinkers would like to sit every sunrise and sunset. Some wedding receptions were held in this site. From here, during daytime you can clearly see the Sarangani Bay and at night, especially with the presence of the moon, an amazing reflection of it on the bay can be viewed.

I was glad seeing this tree again. It is still alive and a lot of visitors liked to be there for pictorials. It is also nice to rest, reflect and/or meditate in here savoring the nice wind from the bay.

Seeing the bay from here makes one relaxed. You can see ships and boats sailing in the bay.

This one is new. There was nothing like this when I first visited this location. It was also said that this garden and restaurant is having its ongoing development like putting up other venues for big events and accommodations for others who would like to stay overnight.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Davao City: Eden Nature Park & Resort

My friends in MBA invited me to join them for a 2-day trip to Davao City. When we were there, we hopped in to Eden Nature Park & Resort. It was my first time to be there and I heard beforehand that they have so many rides that made me thrilled and doubled my excitement.

Eden Nature Park & Resort is a mountain resort which is 3,000 feet above sea level and the Eden Nature Park is 95% man-made. It was discovered sometime in 1971 and the resort used to be a logged-over area covered only by a blanket of wild grass.

At the information center upon entering the park. You can find menu of their packages you want to avail during your stay. They have accommodations for overnight stay, lots of rides, tour and food.

"Game Ka na Ba" tv show hosted by Kris Aquino was taped in this location where our undying jump shot was taken. When availing a tour package, you will also be assigned with a tour guide. And our tour guide also happened to be our photographer. She had no choice.

It can be noticed that in most of the locations during the tour, there were lots of statues/structures. They developed this mountain so well with full of trees, flowers, fruits and vegetables.

From this post, we can see the Davao Gulf. At our back down there, there were lots of different kind vegetables planted. Aside from selling these vegetables to the buyers, they also harvest these and prepare for the buffet meals included in the package. 

This is a wishing well with full of gumamela flowers. Anyone who wanted to make a wish can also throw some coins to the well. If you ever tried to browse your friends photos who had been here, you will never miss to see this similar photo and this kind of position. That's because your tour guide will choreograph you all to be exactly like that. LOL

Who missed their childhood? There were lots of toys in this park that are applicable for adults as well. Not only kids will be given chances to play but adults also.

This is one of my favorite rides in this park. This is called the "INDIANA JONES". Actually this is my favorite ride until we landed on the zipline ride later.

See this. This is why I like Indiana Jones. At the end of the cable, there was a stopper and once you ended there, you will bounce and feel the rhythm/thrill of it.

This is our lunch. But wait...where's our lunch? We were not able to take a picture of those green leafy vegetables from their garben due to our stomach complaint. Most of the food in their buffet were vegetables and fruits. Only few meats were available in their menu.

We were tired and about to leave. We saw this landscape with the name of the park so we never  missed the chance to pose with it. You know... for documentation purposes and for others to really believe that we were there (LOL just kidding).

Upon walking to the other side of the park that was not included in the tour package, we saw a car parked on the road. For someone who took this picture, I don't know what he/she thought about it. For someone like me, that was an art... I mean new vocabulary (LOL).

We were so tired and find some place to rest. Someone told us to act that we were really tired for documentation purposes. Unfortunately, different from the meaning of rest were captured. Maui (malayo ang tingin). Carelle (dila-dilaan ang emo). Ako? Mura man ko kalibangon ani uy (Looks like I'm pooping in my pants).

This is called the Sky Rider. This was our last ride but my first zipline ride and the best ride as of the moment. Sky ride for 20 seconds, 200 meters long and 60 ft high. Ride fee for only P150.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sarangani Province: Siguil Prawn Farm in Maasim

Siguil is a baranggay in Maasim, Sarangani Province. It is located next to the boundary of General Santos City. Going there is hard if you are in a hurry. Local jeepneys from General Santos City are available but very few and it would take time to reach your destination especially if the driver would take time for stop-overs every now and then looking and waiting for passengers along the way. 

From the highway of Siguil, we walked around 500m to reach the prawn farm. We were there for work but I will not elaborate more on that. 

During the course of our job, I was able to get some photos. Sorry for the quality since I was not able to bring digital camera except for the mobile phone.

The above picture will show how a prawn farm would look like. At first, you would see an ordinary pond but this pond is not like fish ponds because it is not that deep. There were several ponds in this location but you could only see one. It is near the wide river and the bay area as well.

Dried and cracked land? Looks nice? feels like you are in a drought place in another country? This artistic land was brought by the huge amount of water from the river beside this farm that washed away the wall of the pond and the prawns as well. Imagine the loss of this damage brought to the company.

Prawns and water are gone but the view is great. :D I requested by officemate to capture only this cracked land since it is very unsual for our place to see this kind of art.

That is my shadow and the drought.