Friday, December 14, 2007

Koronadal City: Family Christmas Party 2007

When we were young (kids), we never missed to participate the annual Christmas party of the compound where we used to live (Palm Grove Compound, Alunan Avenue, Koronadal City). But when we transferred our residence, we never had that kind of Christmas party again.

After our transfer, almost every December my sister nikkom would always plan for family Christmas party but none was materialized until this year. Year 2007 it is. She planned everything from what to wear and what to cook. Every member of the family has something to cook for the party. As always, I prepared the von's spaghetti!!! :D But not everything on the table was cooked by us, some were from the restaurant. :)

I have nothing else to say but the pictures might tell you more.

 With the first niece, Shana.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Gen. Santos City: Sarangani Highlands

This is my first time to be in Sarangani Highlands. It is located at the hilltop in Purok Wal, Brgy. Tambler, General Santos City just across Celebes Canning Corporation. It is very far from Gensan downtown. If you want to go in there, it is better to bring with you your car. If yo don't have any, you may commute from downtown to Tambler but it may take you some time to reach it.

I am not this typical person who likes eating in far places/locations. Especially now that I am dependent on my salary. All the things that I want to buy should be within the limits of my earnings and I am just new to the so called "EMPLOYMENT WORLD". This is my tenth (10th) month as an employee and seventh (7th) in my second employer and I just got my regular employment status after the five month probation. 

Spending is my great frienemy (friend and enemy). It is very easy to spend if I find something  I really wanted and it is very difficult at the same time if I wanted something badly then I noticed my cash balance is depleting and the next salary pay is a century away. I have to make sure I have enough until the next payday.

This day is about celebration of our father's birthday. I am just so lucky that I have siblings who are generous enough to fund this trip and the food. :D The food are nice and the scenery is good as well. 

As I heard, this is owned by a doctor who has skills in landscaping. Her habit/skills opened an opportunity for her to do business. It can be noticed that the business is still new since there are just few structures and landscapes. I bet this will be developed for commercial purposes in the future.

Here are some pictures of Sarangani Highlands:

This tree alone makes the view nice and the view of the bay from there is excellent.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sarangani Province: Gumasa, Glan (White Haven Beach Resort)

Gumasa is found in the town of Glan, Sarangani Province. It is known for its white sand beach resorts.

Gumasa white sand beaches were not relatively known as it is now. Back in 1997, it was still a remote area and the roads were rough and tough at times when it rains. The road to the beaches today are very accessible and paved unlike before where some routes were one way and not the same way as it is today.

Resorts in this location were not developed 15 years ago. I was not able to see any commercial resorts at that moment. Entrance were for free. Visitors could create their own cottage/s if they wanted to. Beaches looks untouched and it was very difficult to swim because of the abundance of sea urchins, the grasses under the water even near the shoreline and too much of star fish.

Now, Gumasa beaches are far from how it looked a decade and a half ago. It is well developed and still being developed for further improvement of their facilities and amenities. Some would say it is the next "Boracay". I don't know how long before it can be compared to the Boracay of today and I hope it will keep on improving in all aspects.

Gumasa can definitely attract tourists.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Gen. Santos City: Dolores Tropicana Beach Resort

First time after college graduation I thought of gathering our classmates and friends. Thinking of having them all in one occasion, one venue and one schedule was very easy. As the planning went on, I realized how difficult it was finding common free time for all. But of course I was this very eager (and excited at the same time) in making this event to happen.  And at last it happened. It was May 13, 2007, Sunday. Not everyone was able to come but at least everyone who showed up enjoyed the rest of the night.

The following day, we woke up very early and some did swimming, others just kept on chatting and I took some pictures for documentation. It was May 14, 2007 and it was an election day! Some went home to vote. I went home to sleep. :D

Here are some pictures I took during that overnight event.

These were not all the attendees. As always, some were late. :D

 Sunrise May 14, 2007

 Long lost SURVIVORS. :D

It's the sun.